#1 Score your ability to work in the organization with PandaTest

#1 Score your ability to work in the organization with PandaTest

First, visualize the competencies needed to work within the organization. You will see what misconceptions and illusions you have.
All employees take the PandaTest
#2 Learn the mindset for working in an organization with PandaTraining according to the results of PandaTest

#2 Learn the mindset for working in an organization with PandaTraining according to the results of PandaTest

Once you have grasped the excesses and deficiencies in your ability to work within the organization that are difficult to see on the surface, learn the correct mindset with PandaTraining, an online course.
All employees take PandaTraining
#3 Monitor your learning with a comprehension check test

#3 Monitor your learning with a comprehension check test

Just watching a video is not enough to see if you have really mastered it. Reinforce your understanding with the comprehension check test displayed after watching the video.
Take the PandaTraining comprehension test