#1 Score your ability to work in the organization with PandaTest

#1 Score your ability to work in the organization with PandaTest

First, visualize the competencies needed to work within the organization. You will see what misconceptions and illusions you have.
All employees take the PandaTest
#2 Analyze the PandaTest scores of your existing employees and build your own ideal model

#2 Analyze the PandaTest scores of your existing employees and build your own ideal model

Design the ideal talent model for your company based on the trend data of your existing employees
A dedicated consultant will assist you with your analysis
#3 PandaTest now available for applicants

#3 PandaTest now available for applicants

We will start taking the PandaTest during job interviews. This will be done during the first or second interview, and will be used as a reference for making decisions at the final interview.
All applicants will take the PandaTest