Why should businesses use PandaTest?

Identify the best candidates who can adapt your culture

Finding and judging the talent who fits the culture is not easy by just having an interview. Companies want to raise their culture fit for all employees, but if the candidate has no basement ability to absorb your unique company culture, It’s gonna be a waste of time.

Pandatest focuses on judging this basement’s ability to absorb your unique company culture and support building culture from the hiring process.

Identify the best candidates who can adapt your culture

Reduce Labor Expenses

It is said that around 25% (1 in 4) of employees quit within 6 months of joining the company, and it costs 5.6 times the employee’s monthly salary for each employee to quit. Pandatest reduces the chances of such candidates quitting within 6 months by 50%.

Reduce Labor Expenses

Team Performance

A collection of 11 superstars may not make the team successful, and neither will the company. Good people may not help the company grow, but the right people can. Our test includes 7 detailed assessment categories that determine the candidate’s compatibility with the current team. Help companies find just the right missing piece on the team.

Team Performance

Remove Bias

With 7 detailed categories and clear analysis reports, Pandatest gives you an overview of many aspects based on data about the candidate’s skills and personality. No more arguing with your manager about whether person A or person B is the right person for the job.

Remove Bias

Report that is easy to use for interview decisions

The candidate’s ability is scored on a 100-point scale. By showing you the specific decisions you should make, you can go for an interview with just one more detailed resume.

Report that is easy to use for interview decisions

Enhance HR Training Efficiency

By identifying the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses based on personality aspects. The company will easily determine the right needs, training methods, and personalized schedules for each candidate, contributing to improved job performance.

Enhance HR Training Efficiency

What we evaluate ?

1 Score by position

Each position needs each ability.
Pandatest major their ability that is required on position such as sales, IT, marketing…
At the same time, company can customize focused evaluation category depend on your demand.

2 Behavioral characteristics in organizations

By understanding a candidate’s behavioral characteristics within an organization, you can determine whether or not they have the ability to collaborate with various employees and departments. Lack of this ability reduces the productivity of the entire team and makes it difficult for the individual to demonstrate his or her own abilities.

3 Assess pressure tolerance

Pandatest measures various aspects that influence candidate stress and helps companies create the most comfortable environment for new employees to reach their full potential while minimizing the risk of attrition.

Over 4,000+ candidates participated in PandaTest

Our videos


We have Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Burmese.

Our company feels the same way about previous personality tests, and we developed it with the desire to create an aptitude test that can actually be used for decision-making. PandaTest gives a clear score, so there is a correct answer to each question, but the questions are designed to make it difficult for test takers to show themselves well.

Our experts will carefully explain the score and provide support.

PandaTest’s customer support team will provide detailed explanation and support.

Each company has a dedicated account, and the management of candidate lists and access privileges for test results are controlled, ensuring the safety of information management.