入社後のミスマッチを防ぐオンライン適性検査-Pandatest > 実習生・特定技能向け適性検査PandaTest for Work in Japanをリリース

実習生・特定技能向け適性検査PandaTest for Work in Japanをリリース

Viecoi Co., Ltd (Director: Anzai Akira)は2024年3月にPandaTestにおいて、日本で働く外国人労働者を対象とした “Work in Japan” (日本で働くうえで必要なスキルを測るカテゴリー)をリリースしたことをお知らせいたします。








PandaTest for Work in Japanをリリース

この課題に対してPandatest for Work in Japanでは、その課題を解決できる鍵として使うことができます。
まず現地の送り出し機関が学生募集の際に、適性検査Pandatestを実施します。その際に職種別重要評価スコアをPandatest for Work in Japanに設定することで、対象者の日本で働くスキルをスコア化することが可能になります。また、外国語取得能力など、日本で働くうえで必要になってくるスキルを設定して測ることもできます。





入社後のミスマッチを防ぐオンライン適性検査-Pandatest > Hiring IT engineers is a competition, so it’s important to assess

Hiring IT engineers is a competition, so it’s important to assess

enish VIETNAM, which develops mobile games for Japan.
How do they use Pandatest to determine the hiring of IT engineers, where the recruitment competition is fierce?
We interviewed Mr. Shibuya, General Director, who is also in charge of recruitment.


Please tell us about any problems you had during the interview before introducing Pandatest

Our company is a Japanese game company, and we have various teams such as development and design.
The organization has more than 50 people, and we conduct interviews every day, but in short interviews with information from CVs and interpreters, we can measure technical aspects, but we often do not know personality aspects, so there were many situations where we were at a loss. .

Even if we think that the candidate is generally good in terms of CV information and interview impressions,
we think that there is no index when there is a sense of incongruity, so I get lost.
As a result, there were times when we thought it would be okay and quit after a short period of time.

Game development is teamwork. In addition to being technically proficient, communication skills are also important.

Regardless of nationality, some engineers are not good at communication skills.
In addition, most Vietnamese people are bright and easy-going, but there are some who want to concentrate on their own tasks, which hinders teamwork.


Please tell us about your impressions when you used Pandatest for the first time

The reason I was interested in it at first was that there were more than 50 people and I had problems with relationships.
The idea was to use it to understand the characteristics of existing staff.

The personality traits that I usually felt while trying it on the existing staff were well reflected in the results.
I thought that I could use this for recruitment selection, so I started using it during interviews.


What effect did it have compared to before using Pandatest?

We operate differently for each team, but in the case of the art team that I’m mainly in charge of, we ask them to take the test before the interview and change the interview questions according to the numbers.
By doing so, I can understand which parts I should pay attention to and dig deeper, making it easier to grasp the personality aspect.

The manager and I are watching the report. By digitizing, the managers became able to express their impressions positively.
We are able to make more correct decisions because we can have discussions centered on common indicators.
For example, even if a candidate is technically good, judging from the trend data so far in terms of personality, I can make a judgment that I am worried.

Also, we have a 1 on 1 once a month, but when the number of people increases, we can’t get involved deeply with each person, so we would like to use it to understand the motivation and worries of existing staff. increase.


Do you have a favorite Pandatest evaluation item?

In particular, we focus on “dialogue skills” and “organizational behavioral characteristics” when hiring.

As I said, teamwork is important in game development, so these two points are especially important. After all, if we look at the existing staff who are not able to demonstrate their performance, this dialogue skill is extremely low.


What kind of companies would you recommend Pandatest for?

Especially in the case of IT companies, IT engineers are scrambled, and there are many choices for candidates.
However, even if the technical match is matched, the person who does not match the character will not last long, so it is recommended for companies that want to understand such people in advance.

入社後のミスマッチを防ぐオンライン適性検査-Pandatest > The feeling of being able to visualize the discomfort that I felt deep in my heart – Frontier Consulting Vietnam

The feeling of being able to visualize the discomfort that I felt deep in my heart – Frontier Consulting Vietnam

Frontier Consulting Vietnam, which handles office design, office relocation, and interior construction layout design in Vietnam.
How is Pandatest being used not only to determine hiring, but also to improve the mindset of the organization?
We interviewed Mr. Yoshikoshi, Branch Director who is also in charge of recruitment.


Please tell us about any problems you had during the interview before introducing Pandatest

In Vietnam, we can’t expect much from the information we can read from a candidate’s resume background. On the other hand, I felt that there were many things that I could not see just by answering the interview questions.

Under these circumstances, I thought that there was a mind gap after employment between the employer and the employee. Due to the high degree of uncertainty at the time of the interview, even those who later felt that they had a low affinity for the company learned how to do things after joining the company, and we have made efforts not to lower the quality of our services.

Especially in our company, we place importance on in terms of occupation.
Whether the person can make continuous efforts to improve the quality of the service provided. I wanted to make sure of this, but there were limits to the traditional oral interview.

In Vietnam, many people think that the company will increase their motivation,
There was a difficult time when 80% of the staff were replaced in two years due to the gap with that our company required.

After using Pandatest, I was able to not only improve the accuracy of my judgment during interviews, but also start reforming the mindset of the organization, and finally, I was able to reduce the misunderstandings between the hiring side and the hiring side.


Please tell us about your impressions when you used Pandatest for the first time

Above all, it is easy to understand that each item is digitized like a blood test for a health checkup.
The sense of incongruity that we felt in the depths of my heart was visualized in numbers.

In addition to the conventional sense of people who are likely to be consciously facing the same direction as the company’s work style, and those who are not, statistical values are accompanied by numbers, and from the perspective of management, workers Easier to analyze psychology.

Of course, there may be some errors between the inspection data and the actual feeling,
but without data, it is not possible to formulate hypotheses for improvement or to properly consider the order of priority for implementation.


What effect did it have compared to before using Pandatest?

We encourage our employees to test themselves once prior to a hiring interview and once upon completion of a probationary period.
Also, even after I was hired, I asked them to take the exam twice a year so that I could observe them from a fixed point.

This is the same as the privacy mark and compliance training, and it is a method to improve the accuracy by repeating and overcoating. By doing this, managers’ scores, which were low a year ago, are now visibly improving.

On the other hand, it is very realistic how the actual scores of those who feel that they are different from the human resources that the company is looking for. Managers can also analyze Pandatest results and have them devise individual guidance methods for teams and subordinates, which also plays a role in raising managerial awareness.


Do you have a favorite Pandatest evaluation item?

There are two Pandatest items that I emphasize when interviewing for a job.
They are ”Self-evaluation consciousness” and ”Consciousness of disclaimer” .

Regarding to ”Self-evaluation consciousness”, people who do not understand well the fact that they are evaluated by others tend to be dissatisfied and tend to lose their motivation at every turn. After joining the company, troubles with superiors are likely to occur during personnel evaluations, so checking this score can prevent such risks.

People with a low score for ”Consciousness of disclaimer” are always making excuses for their failures and lack the idea of prioritizing the recovery of customers who are actually in trouble. In order to grasp such risks in advance, I first check the two scores.


What kind of companies would you recommend Pandatest for?

I think that it will be useful in a wide range of industries, as it allows us to grasp the and of newly hired staff in advance. If I had to say, I think it would be especially recommended for companies with many sales and technical positions.

In addition to using it like a litmus test, I feel that the ability to analyze aggregated data and apply it to improve employee awareness is a major strength of Pandatest.